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Toulouse, capitale européenne du spatial


Toulouse is a pioneer city in the space sector. With the experience acquired since the creation of CNES, the city is now taking the lead in the NewSpace sector, with many promising projects.

25%of the European

space workforce


over 400 companies


of clean-rooms - Design and manufacturing of satellites.

1stassembly line

of Oneweb satellites in an Airbus plant

European capital for the space industry

Since the 1960's Toulouse has been the European capital for the space industry. This is largely due to Toulouse's space heritage from CNES, Airbus, ans Thales Alenia Space and since 2015 OneWeb Satellites.

La Cité de l'espace à Toulouse

European Capital of Space

Toulouse has decades of experience with:

  • Inception of the CNES Centre National des Etudes Spatiales (the formal French Space Agency) since 1968. The CNES is involved in major space missions : Philae (Rosetta), Curiosity (Mars), Perseverance (Mars), Thomas Pesquet (ISS)
  • Telecommunication sector with Airbus Defence and Space and Thalès Alénia Space taking part to many telecom constellations
  • Airbus DS Geo (previously named Spot Image) is a leader in Earth Observation since 1982
  • The weather forecast skill driven by Meteo France that gathers : climate change analysis, research, and the National School in weather-forecasting. They monitor planet earth with Mercator, Cesbio, Legos, CLS - as well as commercially with Kineis, Promethée, Terranis. 
  • The oceanography analysis is led by MERCATOR OCEAN and available to every partner through its cloud named Wekeo.
  • Mars' exploration - with the following companies participated in the SuperCam of Perseverance project - COMAT, Thalès Alénia Space, Microtec, MecanoID, Erems, Map, Nexeya, supported by CNES, IRAP, ISAE-Supaero. 
  • Geolocation is also an expertise of Toulouse with  Galiléo, EGNOS,  ESSP, GUIDE-GNSS
Space industry

NewSpace in Toulouse

Through the development of the space industry in Toulouse, many companies are now key-player of the sector.
From prime contractors to startups, from constellation operators to equipment or software developers, here is a short video of our industrial ecosystem.

They chose Toulouse -  Loft Orbital (USA), Infinite Orbits (Singapore), E-Space (USA), Endurosat (Bulgaria). 

Salle d'essai du CNES

Testing means Toulouse

With institutional means whith the French space agency CNES, and the ONERA - the national aerospace laboratoty.
With research centers and laboratories: IRT, CIRIMAT, Laplace, LAAS.
And with companies' means: INTESPACE, Airbus Defence & Space, Thales Alenia Space, Mecano ID, Soterem...
Toulouse gathers:

  • 10 000 m2 of clean rooms
  • Vibration benches
  • TVAC testing means
Le pôle de compétitivité Aerospace Valley, basé à Toulouse

Aerospace Valley

The global cluster Aerospace Valley based in Toulouse represents the largest European labor pool in aeronautics and space.
The team is dedicated to fostering innovation:

  • the Aerospace Valley has funded 615 R&D projects which represent 1.52B€  
  • the cluster collaborates on European projects : CleanSky, H2020, Horizon Europe
  • with 2 weekly events on specific topics

Aerospace Valley has created the cluster NewSpace Factory to gather local industrial talents.
The team is also leading the ESA BIC (Business Acceleration Center) and the Hackaton Act In Space.

 Satellite dans l'espace

Space Apps and Services

Toulouse is the cradle of space application with expertise in the following fields:

  • Earth Observation through images or radar for climate change and weather forecast, services for the agriculture sector, companies or industry.
  • The Geolocation skills generates various kinds of outputs : beacons tracking with CLS, Internet of Things, GNSS services with Galileo/EGNOS , and graphic representation of all these data.
Toulouse, bibliothèque

Engineering schools

Internationally recognized engineering schools:

CSUT: University Space Center of Toulouse;
ISAE - SUPAERO: Aeronautical engineering (design, construction, airworthiness);
ENSEEIHT: Electronic, mechanical and telecommunication sciences;
INP-ENSIACET: Engineering in chemistry and materials;
IPSA: Air and Space Engineering and Sustainable Mobility;
ENAC: École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (airline pilots and technicians, air traffic management).

Charlotte VOISIN

Business Development Manager Aeronautics & Space


Tel: +33 (0)5 61 11 02 37 - Mob: +33 (0)6 29 94 70 60

Charlotte VOISIN - Ingénieure Commerciale Aéronautique et Spatial - Invest in Toulouse
Toulouse, capitale européenne du spatial

Contact us

Invest In Toulouse provides free and confidential assistance in each step of your set-up and development in Toulouse.

Capital of space
