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Toulouse, la Garonne et la Prairie des Filtres


The Plan Climat scheme, the establishment of a Low Emission Zone, the creation of a 3rd metro line, the development of the Grand Parc Garonne... Toulouse Metropole is committed to the environment and is increasing its actions in support of the region's ecological transition.

The regional Plan Climat-Air-Energy scheme

The regional Plan Climat-Air-Energy scheme (PCAET) is a regional project that reinforces the community's commitment to sustainable development.

  1. Massively increase the renovation of housing and the quality of facilities to ensure a good quality of life in the Eco-Metropolis.
  2. Promote Eco-mobility and facilitate travel to save residents time.
  3. Develop local renewable energy production and consumption.
  4. Foster sustainable business, production and consumption in a smart city.
  5. Confirm the Toulouse metropolitan area as a regional leader in the field of Energy Transition.
  6. Innovate in order to set an example and encourage best practices
Toulouse, le pont Saint-Pierre

Air quality

Introduction of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) effective from 1st March 2022. 
This is a geographical zone in which the most polluting motorised vehicles will no longer be allowed to operate. 
The objective: a city with air that is more breathable in order to protect the health of its inhabitants.

3rd Metro line

This 3rd line will reduce traffic congestion by 90,000 vehicles and 20 million tonnes of polluting emissions will be prevented (scheduled to enter service at the end of 2028). Covering a length of 27km, it will connect 5 SNCF/TER stations. 200,000 users are expected per day and it will provide a service to 220,000 workers.

Toulouse, ile du Ramier

The Grand Parc Garonne scheme

With the inauguration of MEETT on 4th September 2021, Toulouse has acquired one of the largest exhibition centres in France. Awarded the High Environmental Quality label, it will allow the Ile du Ramier to be developed and transformed into a veritable metropolitan green lung.

Toulouse has launched the development of the Grand Parc Garonne scheme covering 7 communities (Blagnac, Beauzelle, Fenouillet, Gagnac-sur-Garonne, Saint-Jory, Seilh, Toulouse), 32km and 3,000ha.
Objective: develop active modes of transport (walking, running and cycling), promote sailing and water sports while enhancing our natural assets (ecological corridors, landscape, heritage).

Greenway and Blueway trails

The Greenway and Blueway trails (natural land & water networks) are composed of biodiversity reserves and ecological corridors:

  • 413km of ecological corridors across the metropolitan area
  • 16,500ha biodiversity reserves across the metropolitan area
Toulouse, le jardin Raymond VI

The 100,000 trees plan

In order to make Toulouse's neighbourhoods greener, the city and its partners are planning to plant 10,000 trees each year until 2030. 
The most urbanised areas will be replanted in order to bring fresh air to spaces that retain more heat, so-called heat islands.

Pierre-Jean CHANDÈS

Business Development Manager Green Energies, GreenTech & CleanTech

Mob: +33 6 03 82 88 21

Invest in Toulouse, Pierre-Jean Chandès - Ingénieur Commercial Technologies vertes, Technologies propres & Énergies vertes

A convention between Solar Impulse and the City of Toulouse

This agreement defines a range of reciprocal commitments to support the ecological transition of the region. 
Thanks to this agreement, Toulouse is strengthening its industrial, technological and scientific partnerships to develop experiments that will lead to innovative and sustainable solutions.
Solar Impulse Foundation is responsible for more than 1,400 solutions that comprehensively and actively combat climate change and global warming: solarimpulse.com/solutions-explorer

The main fields of application of the area's businesses in the sustainable development and environment sectors:

  • Energy efficiency & storage 
  • The water treatment sector
  • Waste management
  • Alternative fuels
  • Agriculture and food
  • Reducing greenhouses gasses
  • Renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro-electricity, green hydrogen…)
  • Smart cities
  • Intelligent electricity networks


The aim of the Metropolitan Employment Recovery Plan is to support local businesses in order to create jobs that cannot be relocated elsewhere within the area.

Toulouse, mobilité douce

The profile of companies working directly or indirectly in sustainable development and decarbonisation within Toulouse

  • More than 24,000 across the metropolitan area, the equivalent of nearly 10% of the entire local economy
  • 90% are small and medium-sized businesses
  • 61% have their headquarters in the Toulouse area (against 60% for the economy as a whole)
  • Significant representation from the mobility sector and especially R&D
  • Institutions within the green industry are more recent, with 89% of these entities being created after 2000