Companies are mobilizing#ToulouseIsGrateful
Invest in Toulouse lists here the initiatives of Toulouse companies which help to support the containment measures and bring their know-how and solutions in the fight against this COVID-19 health crisis.
Specializing in office space optimization, INSITEO has launched a platform that will help businesses comply with current pandemic regulations such as social distancing and sanitation tracking to ensure the safety of employees.
Read the article:$file/INSITEO%20-%20Communique%CC%81%20de%20presse%2018%20mai%202020.pdf?open
Pylote - Cleantech
Pylote specializes in the development of ceramic microspheres to be integrated into surfaces and kill up to 99.9% or bacteria and viruses. This technology could be incorporated into surfaces in order to keep surfaces free of COVID19.
Read the article:,8902905.php
Rubix S&I - tech
Specializing in the design of smart sensors for the tracking and identification of harmful substances (gas, odors, noises, particles, etc…) indoors and outdoors, Toulouse-based Rubix S&I has announced the launching of a clinical study to analyse the mucus from patients with COVID19 in order to train their tool to "smell out" the virus.
Read the article:,28822
UiPath- tech
Future Toulouse company and major tech unicorn, UiPpath has worked with several major players world wide in order to fight COVID19. Their autmation robots have been deployed into various offers from patient data analysis so that hopitals can take on the mass influx of new inpatients to factories managing mass influxes of orders for antibacterial gel.
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Evotec - pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical heavyweight, Evotec, has been working with local hospitals in order to gift COVID19 test kits and provide healthcare professionals with masks.
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T-Zic - environment
Specialist in watertreatment via UV LED, T.zic has designed and developped didfferent products dedication to the disinfecting of masks and surfaces that respond to several needs in the fight against COVID19. UV LED, a technologie that can be optimized to kill viruses, bacteria, parasites of all kinds within seconds, will be integrated into their new Uvocare machines.
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Airbus with Koniku - aeronautics
The European giant is working on a project that could make planes and airports around the world more safe; not only from risks from chemicals and explosives, but also from risks such as infection and contamination from viruses such as the coronavirus -
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CLINAVENIR, Bioderma, Pierre Fabre - health
CLINAVENIR sollicited Pierre Fabre and also received a generous donation of lotions for their employees on the front lines fighting the virus - -
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CHU de Toulouse (Toulouse University Hospital), Airbus, Artilect FabLab - manufacturing
Airbus and Artilect FabLab have joined forces to produce 40K new masks for the Toulouse University Hospital. - -
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DST Drones du Sud - drone
Experts in communication, TV reporting, event coverage, live coverage, and site checks, these drones show beautiful images of our pink city!
L’ICAM - university
L'ICAM, Toulouse-based engineering school, has manufactured "door handle crutches" so that doors can now be opened with elbow and minimize risks for COVID19 spread. The Pasteur clinic has already installed 16 in its ICU.
Read the article:,8846348.php
Airbus BizLab - aeronautics
Airbus BizLab is supporting the Start-ups Against Corona crowdsourcing platform to offer practical support to companies during the COVID19 pandemic.
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Usipanel - machining
Usipanel is allowing you to maintain your contact with loved ones currently in retirement homes during confinement via their airlock structures.
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eMotion & Roselab - 3D printing / fablab
These two local players are working together with other companies in their network to develop a reusable FFP2 style mask, the most protective one against COVID19. -
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AIRBUS - aeronautics
Airbus is contributing to the production of masks for the Toulouse University Hospital Centre.
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Géotrend - consulting
Géotrend has made available free of charge their finance opportunities identification platform for users with business projects. Named Sift, this platform allows user to identify public aid that corresponds to their particular profile and needs with over 6,500 different types ofo aid from 120 public finance bodies.
Read the article:,28781
Bativigie - tech
Batvigie's activityis evolving as it launches its new application, coronavigie: a new tool to ensure compliance with health guidelines.
Read the article:,28752
Louis - office furniture
This Toulouse-based SME has just launched the production of custom-made polycarbonate office separators, a new tool that would allow employees to return to their company safely.
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Innoside - computer programming
Creation of the free Shopignon platform by Innoside, a Toulouse-based start-up. Support "non-essential" businesses by visiting shops, browse and purchase products through virtual reality.
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CNRS - National Centre for Scientific Research
Aerospace Valley - aerospace
Toulouse's Aerospace Valley, global cluster in the aerospace industry, has created a platform and newsletter to find companies who provide masks, glasses, hospital clothing, hand sanitizer, protective plexiglass, etc for healthcare workers. The idea is to put these companies in contact with local hospitals to get the ball rolling.
Exotrail - aerospace
Femso Industrie - industrie
Via the competitiveness cluster Euralogistic (Hauts-de-Franceà, Femso Industry, mechanical engineering expert, was able to industrialize the manufacturing of a "Breathe Kit": a robust facial protector that can attach to a simple hat or helmet.
Printoclock - printing works
Printoclock is a printing services company (Flyers, carts, advertising objects, signage).,8855059.php
Ajidaba - tech
Has created the mobile app, AloExpert, for DIY gig workers. They are currently offering their app free of charge to all customers in order to provide users with alternatives to traditional services in order to maintain social distancing.
ERPRO - industry 4.0
Additive manufacturing and 3Dprinting expert offering to produce medical devices such as valves and components to keep hospitals in need well supplied in the fight against COVID19.
BOTdesign - robotics
Providing COVIBOT, a conversational medical robot, which makes it possible to monitor the clinical status of patients in quarantine at their place of residence free of charge and allows caregivers to direct patients whose state of health requires them to go to hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
MH Comm - health
Thanks to its software and mobile application allowing to support the remote monitoring of patients, MH Comm is taking a major place in the fight against COVID-19. 7 establishments in Occitanie use this solution which enables the decongestion of hospitals.
Read the article:$file/MHCOMM%20-%20La%20Tribune%20-%2023%20mars%202020.pdf?open
Selfcity - tech
Plumbing repair expert Selfcity is offering its long distance assistance services free of charge for all.
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GROUPE BERDOUES Parfums et Cosmétiques - cosmetics
For over 100 years, Groupe Berdoues has designed, created, and distributing perfumes. The company is currently converting their services in order to produce antibacterial gels for the hospitals in Toulouse and in the region.
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CNES - space
Hospitals in Toulouse, France, received 90,000 face masks from the French space agency CNES in an effort to help limit the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Gisaïa - tech
Geo big data expert, Gisaïa, is working with data from John Hopkins University and integrating it into their own ARLAS geo-analytical tool in order to analyze the different stages and spread of COVID-19 around the globe.
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SCASSI - tech
SCASSI wants to show solidarity with SMEs during this difficult period of containment. This is why they have set up a support unit for all CISOs and SME managers who need support to secure the work of their employees working remotely. This service is free of charge.
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Pierre Fabre - health
Since mid-March, teams from the Pierre Fabre factory have been 100% dedicated to producing antibacterial gel.
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CHU de Toulouse - health
The unit dedicated to COVID-EHPAD (senior care facilities) support launched by the geriatricians of the Toulouse University Hospital's Gérontopôle (cluster dedicated to geriatrics), has been offering since mid-March a phone platform and mobile COVID-19 testing team to those in need within the Haute-Garonne department.
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Biomed Alliance - health
The French Healthcare Association offers an official list of French companies with proven solutions that can be implemented in the management of the epidemic and patient care. Member companies of the BIOMED Alliance (a health cluster based in Toulouse) offering products and services in response to the fight against the COVID-19 virus can be found there.
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CENAREO - tech
To fight against the Coronavirus, CENAREO has provided all screen managers with media adapted to digital signage. In a period such as this, the good practices to be adopted are essential. This is why all our users have access, from our platform, to COVID prevention media in free access. If you need them, you can find these media for download here (link google drive).
We would like to thank our client Smartmedia for this content adapted to all screen formats, which we are sharing with you today.
Kaduceo - health
Specializing in the analysis and prediction of treatment plans, Kaduceo is currently working with the Créteil hospital center on updating models to help predict the inflow of patients linked to Coronavirus and other things. The goal is to help healthcare teams in organizing and anticipating. Kaduceo is offereing to apply these models free of charge to establishments.
Read the article:,28326
Iriade - health
Iriade is a web platform for remote monitoring - patient telecoaching which runs around twenty applications in the health / medical and social fields. As part of the epidemic, it provides several applications validated by medical teams and supported by the APHP and Inserm.
Read the article:,28326
Telegrafik - health
Telegrafik offers a solution for remote monitoring of elderly relatives living alone in the Haute-Garonne department. The company is currently offering their Otono-me solution for seven months to the first twenty applicants.
Read the article:,28326
Schoolmouv - education
Puts online educational content for people to continue learning, regardless of location. Currently have their services on special at the low price of 1.00€.
Read the article:,28326
Vyfe - education
Startup specializing in video training, offering its video training and distance coaching platform for free to trainers and teachers who must continue their services.
Read the article:,28326
MyFeelBack - tech
Specialized in filtering and managing requests, they have offered to create a diagnostic questionnaire free of charge to filter requests to the Samu (emergency services) and any other type of "intelligent" questionnaire allowing for a better management of the flow of calls and work.
Read the article:,28326
Tamplo - tech
First collaborative application that integrates meeting management into project management, they're offering the use of their solution for free for twenty-nine days.
Read the article:,28326
Bleexo - tech
Bleexo have created a solution that measures the well-being and experience of employees in companies. They are currently providing their survey and pulse-taking tool for free.
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Guty - tech
Innovation platform experts, they are offering to mobilize startups quickly and free of charge to design new platforms and innovations in response to the needs linked to the coronavirus.
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