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ALE acceleratesdata services business

ALE accelerates data services business by making the most of Europe's space heart.

Tokyo-based ALE Co., Ltd, led by its CEO Lena Okajima, with the mission to make space closer to people, is pleased to announce it will expand its activities in Europe to accelerate its business related to data services.

On December 1st, ALE sets up its own workspace at B612 Innovation Centre, in Europe’s space heart, Toulouse to accelerate its data services activities by leveraging Europe’s top-notched scientific and business communities with the support of B612 Business Accelerator, the Cockpit by Toulouse metropole. ALE aims to improve the climate forecast models to predict extreme weather events to keep Earth environment sustainable.

On the same day, Eric Luvisutto, CEO of Satconseil, was appointed as Business Advisor for ALE Data Services activities with immediate effect. Along with Eric Luvisutto, ALE Chief Scientist will work at B612 to develop data service products to answer promptly the challenges man-kind faces due to climate change and extreme weather events.

I am excited to set up a workspace in Europe’s space heart, Toulouse, and increase ALE’s presence world-wide. The region around Toulouse hosts altogether global leading companies, agencies, universities involved in space applications and atmosphere sciences. The people from Business France, Occitanie region and Toulouse by their dedication, dynamism, organized successful meetings with high-profile professionals.
B612 Innovation Centre Cockpit provides us with customized support to accelerate our data businesses. Moreover, I am delighted to welcome Eric as ALE Data business advisor. Eric is extremely well connected with key players, has great experience in data business at international level. I am very confident this decision will accelerate our growth.

- Lena Okajima, CEO of ALE


Invest in Toulouse is proud to welcome ALE in Toulouse. In addition to its leading space industry, Toulouse's eco-system leverages space data for climate research and weather forecasts, for which ALE will contribute significantly.

Silvia Ferrari, Director of Invest in Toulouse


B612 innovation centre: www.b612-toulouse.com/en